The Future of our Hall - The Development Project
The Committee has ambitious plans for the improvement and development of the Lambeage Hall, and have appointed an excellent professional team (architect, quantity surveyor, structural engineer and fundraiser). We have undertaken a feasibility study and taken on board the results of community consultations and have approved outline development plans. In addition to the development work, we have other matters to be addressed, such as repairs to the roof, remodelling the stage, refurbishment of the hall, and purchase of equipment.
The first part of the development plan is a two-storey extension on the North East of the building, adjacent to the entrance doors. This will address the most pressing need of providing an access for the disabled. There will be a bridge with a gentle high-level ramp leading into the upper storey of the extension. From this point, access to the lower floor will be possible from a spiral staircase or a platform lift. The lower floor will include a bar, foyer, storage and disabled facilities. The extension will lead into the main building.
The next priority will be to construct a balcony with solar panels on its roof, battery storage below along with rainwater harvesting on the South East of the building. This will protect the coast facing exterior wall as well as providing additional space with unique views of the cove, coast and open sea, and will provide a spectacular facility for wedding receptions and parties.
This phase will see the redevelopment of the lower ground floor (North West) to provide a new community room with toilets (one for disabled), a platform lift, tea point and additional storage. [much of this has already been achieved thanks mainly to volunteer time, community fundraising and Cornwall Community Fund Grants]
The final phase will provide better access to the Battery and will include terracing, steps, patios, amphitheatres and play equipment. See Community Garden page.
This project is part-funded by the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund. Cornwall Council has been chosen by Government as a Lead Authority for the fund and is responsible for monitoring the progress of projects funded through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund in
Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly.