The Management Committee
The Management Committee of Lambeage Hall is composed of elected members. All voting members of the committee are trustees of the hall, sharing in responsibility for safeguarding its integrity and interests for the benefit of the community.
The composition of the Management Committee, as well as its processes, procedures, activities and responsibilities, are all governed and guided by the hall's Constitution. The current Constitution dates from 1976 and is in the process of being updated to reflect the changing times, as well as the needs of the hall and the community that benefits from it. The new Constitution will be available on the website in due course.
In general, the full Committee meet every month, and sub-committees meet as often as necessary. There is a set agenda at each full meeting to ensure the Committee always considers pertinent aspects of the hall's management.
The Lambeage Hall was built in 1922, and due to its age it does require ongoing maintenance. One of the main tasks of the Committee is to establish a Improvement Plan in line with the main users and beneficiaries of the hall. This plan is the basis from which we deliver changes and improvements that the community wants.
The Committee welcomes volunteer help from the local community, and also new members to join us. Please see our Further Information section for lots more!