Procurement Policy

Procurement Policy

Charity reference 207905

1.1 Purchasing

The Committee will aim to achieve best value for money and best environmental performance for all its purchases

ensuring that services are delivered in the most economical, efficient, effective and sustainable way, within

available resources, and with independent validation of performance achieved wherever practicable. The

Treasurer/ Chairman is responsible for ensuring procedures are in place for testing the market, placing of orders,

and paying for goods and services by following the general principles of:

 Probity – an approach to all interested parties in the disclosure of information that lends itself to necessary


 Accountability – the process whereby individuals are responsible for their actions and decisions.

 Fairness – that all those dealt with by the Committee are dealt with on a fair and equitable basis.

1.1.1 Cash Purchases

The Committee will not hold cash on site apart from ticket and bar sales and purchases which are reported at the

subsequent Committee Meeting. All cash must be paid into the relevant account at the earliest opportunity.

1.1.2 Orders for Goods and services

Budget holders will be informed of the budget available to them at the start of the financial year. It is the

responsibility of the budget holder to manage the budget and ensure that the funds available are not overspent.

A quote or price must always be obtained before any order is placed. Budget holders and the Treasurer should

always ensure that the lowest cost/best value price is achieved, but this should not override environmental


Orders will normally be issued by email and copied to the Treasurer or Chairman.

Orders will only be processed if there is adequate budget provision for that item.

Telephone/direct verbal ordering will be permitted only in situations where raising an official order is not

practicable. In such cases, a written confirmation order should be raised as soon as possible.

The budget holder must make appropriate arrangements for the delivery of goods to the Hall. Upon receipt, the

budget holder must undertake a detailed check of the goods received against the goods received note (GRN) and

make a record of any discrepancies between the goods received and the GRN.

The budget holder will make a record of any goods that are rejected or returned to the supplier because they are

not as ordered or are of sub-standard.

1.1.3 Prohibited Purchases

The following purchases are expressly prohibited:

 Alcoholic beverages (apart for bar stocking)

 Tobacco products

 Controlled substances

 Personal items or loans

 Any other items deemed inconsistent with the values of the Committee.

1.1.4 Payment of Accounts

All invoices must be sent to the Treasurer with authorization from the budget holder. The

Treasurer will record all invoices and the following checks made will be made:

 Invoice arithmetically correct

Procurement Policy

Charity reference 207905

 Goods/services received.

 The price is correct.

 Invoice recorded.

 Invoice authorised for payment.

Invoices will be paid when the budget holder has shown approval that the goods or services have been received

and are of the quality expected. Any discrepancies must be notified to the Treasurer.

The Treasurer will ensure that BACs are sent out with the required numbers of signatures and that all controlled

stationery is stored in a locked cupboard.

All cash from drink or ticket sales is to be stored in the bar and the keys held within a locked cabinet and banked at

the earliest opportunity.

1.1.5 Committee permissions

For quotes and tenders, the following limits will apply unless the purchase forms part of an existing contract:

 Less than £1,000: Competitive quotations required at the discretion of the Treasurer and Chairman

 Low value: At least two written competitive quotations will be obtained for all purchases over £1,000 and up

to £10,000. Written details of quotations obtained should be prepared and retained for audit purposes.

Telephone quotes are acceptable if these are evidenced, and written confirmation of quotes has been received

before the purchase decision has been made.

 Medium value: At least three written competitive quotations will be obtained for all purchases over £10,000

and up to £50,000. Written details of quotations obtained should be prepared and retained for audit


 High value: All goods and services ordered with a value of over £50,000, or for a series of contracts, which

total over £50,000, must be subject to formal tendering procedures.

1.1.6 Tendering for goods and services

Forms of Tender

There are three forms of tender procedure: open, restricted, and negotiated/competitive and the

circumstances in which each procedure should be used are described below.

 Open Tender - This is where potential suppliers are invited to tender. The budget holder must discuss and

agree with the Chairman how best to advertise for suppliers. This is the preferred method of tendering, as it

is most conductive to competition and the propriety of public funds.

 Restricted Tenders - This is where suppliers are specifically invited to tender and is appropriate where:

o There is a need to maintain a balance between the contract value and administrative cost.

o A large number of suppliers would come forward because the nature of the goods is such that only

specific suppliers can be expected to supply the Committee’s requirements.

o The costs of publicity and advertising are likely to outweigh the potential benefits of open tendering.

 Negotiated and Competitive Tender - The terms of the contract may be negotiated with one or more chosen

suppliers. This is appropriate in specific circumstances:

o The employment of specialists such as Architects, Quantity surveyors, structural engineers and

commissioning specialist consultants

Procurement Policy

Charity reference 207905

o The above methods have resulted in either no or unacceptable tenders.

o Only one or very few suppliers are available.

o Extreme urgency exists.

o Additional deliveries by existing supplier are justified.

o Suppliers are already approved as part of a recognised consortium.

Preparing for Tender

Full consideration should be given to:

 Object of project

 Overall requirements

 Technical skills required.

 After sales service requirements

 Form of contract

It will be necessary to rank all the requirements and award marks to suppliers on fulfilment of these

requirements to help reach an overall decision.

Invitation to Tender

An invitation to tender should include the following:


 Scope and objectives of the project

 Technical requirements

 Implementation of the project

 Terms and conditions of the tender

 Form of response

Aspects to consider.


o Comparison of like for like cost.

o Hidden costs

o Scope for negotiation


o Qualifications of contractor

o Experience

o Descriptions of technical and service facilities

o Compliance to CDM

o Certificates

o Quality control procedures

o Details of previous sales and references

 Other considerations

o Pre-sales demonstrations

o After sales service

o Financial status of supplier

Standardised tender templates should be used when inviting tenders. Tender

Opening Procedures

Procurement Policy

Charity reference 207905

All tenders should be opened at the same time and tender details should be recorded. At least, two persons should be

present at the opening of the tenders as follows:

 For contracts up to £5,000 the budget holder and the Treasurer and consultants/quantity surveyor if


 Over £5,000 The Chairman and Treasurer and consultants/quantity surveyor if appropriate

Tendering Procedures

The evaluation process should involve at least two people and consultants/quantity surveyor. Those involved

should disclose all interests, which may influence their objectivity.

Those involved must take care not to accept gifts or hospitality from potential suppliers. Full records should be

kept of all criteria used for evaluation.

The accepted tender should be one that is economically most advantageous.

This policy is dated May 2024 and is reviewed annually in line with the date of the Annual General Meeting.

Conditions of Hall Hire


Lambeage Hall, School Hill, Coverack, Helston TR12 6SY

Registered Charity Number: 207905

Entertainment Licence Number: W2_PREM_00328_05




• The hall may be booked for recurring or single lettings. Hall hire is charged by the session (see website for charges). The specified rates cover the use of the hall and kitchen. Bar hire is available by negotiation with the licensee.

• Hirers must be aged 18 years and over. The Hirer agrees that all persons under the age of 18 years will be supervised.

• All Hirers charging a fee must have separate relevant Public Liability Insurance to validate their booking.

• No responsibility whatsoever can be taken for any personal items left on the premises or any damage caused by them to the premises or any misuse of them by others.

• No charge is made for cleaning, provided that all facilities are left clean, tidy and in good repair, including the toilets and kitchen equipment where used. Any charges incurred due to breakages or cleaning will be passed on to the Hirer or deducted from the deposit.

• Hirers will be contacted separately regarding access to the hall.

• Lambeage Hall is run by a volunteer committee and members may not be available to answer questions on the day of your event.


• A refundable damages deposit of £50 or £100 (dependent on type of booking) will be charged for private Hirers at the time of booking. This is in addition to the hire charge and will be refunded by bank transfer after the event subject to a satisfactory inspection.

• Booking invoices must be paid in full by the date shown on the invoice.

• Regular Hirers will be invoiced on a quarterly basis in arrears and payment terms are 14 days from the date of invoice.

• For weddings the hire charge includes access from 9am on the Friday to 6pm on the Sunday.  Any additional time required will be charged at the Standard Rate.

• For parties the fixed rate price is from 6pm to midnight, and the next day to midday.  Any additional time required will be charged at the Standard Rate. 


• Hirers may cancel bookings by giving at least one calendar months’ notice.

• If a Hirer cancels a booking with at least one calendar months’ notice being given, the hiring charge will be refunded.

• Cancellations made with less than one calendar monoths’ notice are liable to a payment of the whole hiring charge.

• The Lambeage Hall Committee reserve the right to cancel any booking by giving notice in writing and returning the hiring charge and deposit, should the purpose of hiring the hall be in any way improper or unauthorised, or should the building be required as a Polling Station, or in a case of force majeure. The Lambeage Hall Committee shall not be liable to pay to the Hirer any money or loss incurred by the cancellation.


Responsibility for the premises and the key rests with the Hirer during the period of access to the hall. The hire period must include set-up and clear-up times. The premises must not be accessed outside of the agreed hire period and must be vacated promptly at the end of the hire.

The Lambeage Hall Committee reserve the right to enter the hall at any time during an event if it has reason to believe there may be a problem, and to impose further conditions on the spot or curtail the event as it considers necessary for the welfare of guests or the safety of the building or the impropriety of use.


For access to the Lambeage Hall, the key is stored in the second box along the back of the hall (right of the main door and round the corner).  The code for the box is included in the booking confirmation email.


Whilst you are of course welcome to use The Battery, when making a booking please be aware that this area is a public space with a children’s playground, and is part of the South West Coast Path, and cannot therefore be used exclusively for your event.

In the interest of animal welfare, no plastic confetti or such like can be used which may ultimately find its way into the sea. 


The hall holds the appropriate licences for Public Entertainment. Music and entertainment must cease by 11.30pm and all music must be kept to a suitable level to avoid disturbance of neighbours with all windows and doors remaining closed from 9.00pm onwards. This is a legal condition of Lambeage Hall’s Entertainment Licence and failure to comply could jeopardise this licence. For commercial hirers or regular bookings with fees, Hirers should ensure that they have proper insurance for any equipment used in the hall, to include any damage caused by them to the hall and its users.


It is the responsibility of the individual Hirers to ensure that they are aware of the Health & Safety at Work Act 1974 and to take reasonable precautions to ensure that their activities are carried out in a responsible way.

Responsibility for the use and safety of electrical equipment brought onto the premises by the Hirer rests entirely with the Hirer.

The capacity of the hall is up to 104 seated in a concert layout (i.e. rows) and around 80 seated at tables.  The maximum number standing is 120.

. Hirers are advised to carry out their own risk assessment for safe numbers at the event/activity considering equipment, cast, crew and caterers etc. A template can be found on our website.

A copy of the Lambeage Hall’s Health & Safety Policy is kept on display in the hall. The first aid kit is stored in the kitchen together with the Accident Report Forms. Any accidents should be reported to a delegated committee member, whose contact details are displayed in the hall.


Hirers must take responsibility for the safeguarding and wellbeing of those attending their events.  Any hirer running regular events during which they are responsible for young and/or vulnerable people, must have their own safeguarding policy in place as well as adhering to that of the Lambeage Hall.  Leaders of these regular events must hold a DBS check certificate, and most show it to an officer of the Lambeage Committee when requested.


Hirers must make themselves familiar with the location of the fire extinguishers and the instructions for use, emergency exits and the importance of fire doors being kept clear at all times. Hirers will be responsible for informing all those using the hall of the position of the emergency exits

Hirers must also familiarise themselves with the instructions on what to do in case of fire. Instructions are displayed on the notice board in the hall.

Fireworks and candles are not allowed, either for internal or external use with the exception of birthday cake candles.


Please be aware there is an area for drop-off and collection only, and cars must be parked elsewhere in the village.


The Lambeage Hall has a Premises (Entertainment) Licence as required under the Licensing Act 2003 and alcohol may only be sold on the premises by the Licence Holder James Macfarlane and his team. If hiring the bar, contact must be made with the licence holder 2-3 weeks before the event to discuss requirements.

Alcohol consumption by persons under the age of 18 years must not be permitted. It is an offence to serve/sell alcohol to persons under 18 years of age. Young persons aged 16 and 17 years may consume wine, beer or cider at a table meal when accompanied by an adult at the meal.

If for any reason alcohol is being sold without prior arrangement, or there are signs of alcohol-related behaviour, any member of the Lambeage Hall Committee can close the event immediately.

The Lambeage Hall Committee and Hirer can be held legally responsible for criminal offences carried out at the hall and as a result the hall may lose its licence. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES WILL THE LAMBEAGE HALL COMMITTEE TOLERATE ANY BREACH OF THE ABOVE LEGISLATION.


Under the Food Safety Act 1990, it is the responsibility of persons providing food for any event held in the hall to ensure that they are aware of and abide by the legal requirements. The Lambeage Hall Committee is not responsible for any food brought into the hall.

This policy is dated May 2024 and is reviewed annually in line with the date of the Annual General Meeting.



In order that the hall can be kept in good condition for all, would Hirers please do the following at the end of each hire:

1. Please ensure that the hall floor is left in good condition ready for the next user. Sweep or mop the floor to move any mess and or spillages. Cleaning equipment can be found in the kitchen.

2. Ensure tables are clean before putting away, and put chairs and tables away where you found them.

3. Check that all taps in the toilets and kitchen are turned off. Ensure the toilets are clean and the refrigerator is empty, clean, switched off and door left open if you have used it.

4. Please wash up, dry and put away any kitchen equipment you have used.

5. There is no rubbish collection at the Lambeage Hall so please ensure you take your rubbish away with you.

6. Prop open the cushion cupboard by the hall doors if you have closed this.

7. Switch off the hot water and cooker – labelled in the kitchen.

8. Check that all fire doors are shut, windows are closed and lights are off.

9. Lock the outer doors.

10. Return the key to the box.

Your deposit will be forfeited if the Conditions of Hire have not been met.

Thank you for your co-operation.

This policy is dated May 2024 and is reviewed annually in line with the date of the Annual General Meeting.

Cookies Policy


This website uses cookies.  A cookie is a tiny text file which is placed on your computer or device when you visit our website.  It identifies your device to help us keep the website interesting and relevant to your needs.  Cookies in use on www.lambeagehall.org.uk do not identify you personally, nor do they collect any personal information about you.  Analytics cookies used by our contractors are currently permitted by the Information Commissioners Office (ICO).

You can refuse permission to accept these cookies by setting your browser and/or security software to decline cookies or to delete them at the end of each browsing section.  We suggest consulting the Help section of your browser or taking a look at the About Cookies website (www.aboutcookies.org) which offers guidance for all modern browsers.

If you continue to use our website, you are consenting to accept these cookies.

This policy is dated May 2024 and is reviewed annually in line with the date of the Annual General Meeting.

Enviromental Policy


The Lambeage Hall Committee recognises that the activities of and within the hall have an impact on both the local and wider environment. This policy sets out how the committee aims to minimise these impacts and applies to all users of, and activities within, the hall.

We will

o Energy

o Water

o Waste

o Transport

o Local Environment

o Chemicals and Pollution

o Purchasing

 This policy is dated May 2024 and is reviewed annually in line with the date of the Annual General Meeting.

Equality and Diversity Policy


Lambeage Hall is committed to encouraging a supportive and inclusive culture amongst its community by creating a positive place where everyone can enjoy an environment which is safe, enjoyable and respectful.  Lambeage Hall trustees acknowledge that the United Kingdom is diverse in culture, race, beliefs and religion and believe that no individual or group of people should receive less favourable treatment on the grounds of gender, age, colour, race, nationality, racial or national origins, cultural heritage, disability, marital status, social background, sexual orientation (Protected Characteristics) or geographical location. The trustees acknowledge that members of these groups are often under-represented, exposed to prejudice and stereotyping, and suffer various disadvantages within our society.

The purpose of this statement is to set out clearly and fully the positive action that Lambeage Hall Management Committee intend to take to combat direct and indirect discrimination in employment, management of the organisation, relationships with other bodies and the services they provide to the community, community organisations and individuals.

Lambeage Hall’s Commitment

All users, hirers and volunteers will be treated fairly and with respect. We will provide help and encouragement to develop our staff to their full potential.  When we appoint staff or select candidates for the Management Committee or other volunteer positions, it will be on the basis of their aptitude and ability. 

We are committed to:

We seek to promote diversity and inclusion and to respond to the needs of all individuals in a fair and equitable manner, whilst observing our commitment and responsibility to current legislation and protected characteristics. 

The Communities' Commitment

All hirers, volunteers and village hall event attendees are required to assist us in meeting our commitments, to ensure equality, diversity and inclusion and avoid unlawful discrimination.  We consider acts of discrimination, harassment, bullying or victimisation as unacceptable behaviour and hirers supporting this behaviour will result in the hall not be available to hire to those persons in the future.

The Code of Conduct

1. People will be treated with dignity and respect regardless of the group to which they belong

2. People’s feelings and views will be valued and respected. Language or humour that people find offensive will not be used or tolerated e.g. racist jokes or derogatory terminology

3. No-one will be harassed, abused or intimidated on the grounds that they belong to a vulnerable group. Incidents of harassment will be taken seriously and the committee will undertake investigations of any complaints quickly, impartially, thoroughly and confidentially.


If you consider that you may have been unlawfully discriminated against, you may contact the committee Chair (Rod Pierce 01326 280208) or any member of the committee to make a complaint. 

This policy is dated May 2024 and is reviewed annually in line with the date of the Annual General Meeting.

Health and Safety Policy


1. Our policy is to provide healthy and safe working conditions, equipment and systems of work for any of our employees, volunteers and users and to provide all such training and information as is necessary. We also accept responsibility for other people who may be affected by our activities including all users of the building and contractors who may work here.

2. Health and Safety policy of Lambeage Hall

2.1   It is the intention of Lambeage Hall Committee to comply with Health & Safety legislation and to act positively where it can to prevent injury, ill health or any danger or loss arising from its activities and operations.

2.2   Lambeage Hall Committee consider the promotion of the health and safety of its employees at work and of those who may be affected by its activities and operations to be of essential importance. The Committee recognises that the effective prevention of accidents depends as much on a committed attitude of mind to safety as on the operation and maintenance of equipment and safe systems of work. To this end it will seek to encourage employees, volunteers, users and hirers to participate in the establishment and observance of Safe Working Practices.

2.3.1    Employees, volunteers, users, hirers and visitors will be expected to recognise that there is a clear duty on them to exercise self-discipline and accept responsibility to do everything they can to prevent injury to themselves or others.

2.3.2 However, it is recognised that accidents causing injury may occur and, if they do, we ask that ALL incidents are recorded in the Accident Book which is contained within the First Aid cabinet in the Kitchen. The cabinet contains a First Aid kit which is suitable for minor injuries. We ask that if any items are used, they are recorded in the Accident Book so that they can be replaced. This will be checked every 2 months by the nominated first aider in case replacements are required. The First Aid Kit is inspected annually in February to ensure contents are up to date. For more serious injuries it is advised that the Emergency Services are contacted, and this is reported to the committee as soon as possible in case of HSE enquiry, or necessary follow-up action by the committee.

2.3.3    Fire Exits – All fire doors and exits must be kept clear and not obstructed by chairs, tables or other obstructions, at all times.  Fire extinguishers are located in the hall and kitchen, and these are tested annually.

2.3.4    Portable electrical appliances brought into the Village Hall must have a valid certificate attached to it stating that it has been tested and approved for use within the previous 12 months. All portable appliances owned by the Lambeage Hall are checked annually by a qualified electrician, and the portable appliance testing certificate is displayed on the hall noticeboard.

2.3.4    Equipment available to hirers, such as tables, chairs and kitchen equipment, is checked on a regular basis and recorded in the maintenance record by the caretaker. The maintenance record is located in the kitchen.

2.3.5 Outside steps and paths are regularly inspected and maintained to ensure safe use. A visual inspection is carried out by the caretaker, and recorded in the maintenance record.

2.3.6    Outside playground equipment is checked on a monthly basis by Bob Sanders and an annual inspection takes place each year by RoSPA (Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents), to ensure safe use.  A weekly visual inspection is also carried out by the caretaker, and is recorded in the maintenance record.


Nominated First Aider is Meg Reed

Caretaking of the Lambeage Hall is the responsibility of the Property Team

  This policy is dated May 2024 and is reviewed annually in line with the date of the Annual General Meeting

Privacy Policy


Lambeage Village Hall and Walled Garden is a registered charity number 207905, run by a committee of volunteers.

 We are at:

Lambeage Hall & Battery
Sunny Corner
School Hill
TR12 6SY

 Our website address is https://www.lambeagehall.org.uk


We know how important it is for you to understand how we use your data. This Privacy Policy sets out how and why we collect, store, process and share your personal data. We will always be transparent with you about what we do with your personal data.

This Policy also tells you what your rights are in relation to the personal data you give to us. If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy or your rights under it, please contact us by post at the above address or by email on info@lambeagehall.org.uk.

What personal data we collect and why we collect it

Lambeage Hall uses personal data (name, address, telephone contact number, email address) for the purposes of managing the hall, its bookings and finances, running and marketing events at the hall, staff employment and its fundraising activities.

The lawful reason for processing data in this way is “contract” for the purposes of managing the hall, its bookings and finances, running and marketing events at the hall and staff employment.

The lawful reason for processing data for fundraising activities is “legitimate interest”.

The lawful reason for processing data in relation to the Lambeage Hall’s Updates and Volunteers mailing list is “consent”.

We won’t use your information for any other purposes unless we are required to do so by law.

Privacy on our booking system

All our bookings are processed on a cloud-based system provided by Hallmaster. As such, all user bookings are subject to the Hallmaster terms of service, regardless of whether the booking has been entered by the end user, or by the hall booking administrator on behalf of the end user. The relevant policies are:


 Privacy on our website

 Comments – Our website does not support user comments, therefore no personal details are retained.


Who we share your data with

 We may share your personal information with:

 Any third parties with which we share your personal information have entered into a legally binding data sharing agreement with us and comply with similar and no less stringent undertakings of privacy and confidentiality to those set out in this Privacy Policy.

How long we retain your data

Data collected for the purposes of managing the hall, its bookings and finances, running and marketing events at the hall, staff employment and its fundraising activities, may be retained for up to 7 years for accounts purposes and for longer where required by the hall’s insurers. If you would like to find out more about how we use your personal data or want to see a copy of information about you that we hold, please contact info@lambeagehall.org.uk.

For users who sign up to the Volunteers and Updates emails and newsletters, we will retain your information for this purpose for as long as you subscribe and thereafter for a period of 2 years. You can unsubscribe at any time by replying to the email requesting to be removed from the list. All emails are sent BCC, so personal data is not shared.


What rights you have over your data

We will usually act on requests and provide information free of charge, but may charge a reasonable fee to cover our administrative costs of providing information for:

 Alternatively, we may be entitled to refuse to act on the request.

Please consider your request responsibly before submitting it. We’ll respond as soon as we can. Generally, this will be within one month from the time we receive your request, but if the request would take longer than that to deal with, we will let you know.


 Making a complaint

 If you are unhappy with how we’ve handled your information, or you would like to exercise your rights, contact us at info@lambeagehall.org.uk. If you’re not satisfied with our response to your complaint or believe our processing of your information does not comply with data protection law, you can make a complaint to the UK data protection authority, the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO).


How will you know if we amend this Privacy Policy?

 We may need to make changes to this Privacy Policy at any time. If we make any material change to how we collect, use or share your personal information, we will update this Privacy Policy and inform you of these changes by posting prominent notices of the key changes on our website.

This policy is dated May 2024 and is reviewed annually in line with the date of the Annual General Meeting.

Safeguarding - Child and Vulnerable Adults



This statement of policy and procedures applies to users of, and activities in, Lambeage Hall and Battery and any ancillary activities which are the responsibility of Lambeage Hall. This policy is in place to protect all children and vulnerable adults regardless of gender, ethnicity, disability, sexuality, religion or faith.

The welfare of the child or vulnerable adult is paramount and is the responsibility of everyone. All children and vulnerable adults have the right to protection from abuse whether physical, sexual, neglect or emotional: verbal, bullying, exclusion.

All people associated with Lambeage Hall and its use have a responsibility for the safeguarding of children and vulnerable adults. This includes creating an environment and providing opportunities for Children and Adults at Risk to tell you what you are doing well, what risks there are to them and how you can help keep them and others safe.

The named Child and Vulnerable Adult Protection Officer on the Committee is Helen Macfarlane who undertakes regular update training and holds an enhanced DBS. If you have concerns regarding any safeguarding issue at Lambeage Hall or the Battery, please contact her on 01326 280594 or via email helen8macfarlane@gmail.com. Alternatively you may express your concerns in writing and place in the locked suggestions box in the entrance lobby to the hall. This box will be opened by a committee member most weeks.

The Management Committee will endeavour to keep the premises safe for use. All have received ‘code of conduct’ training and guidance from the hall’s Child Protection officer, and given written notes on the training.

No member of the Committee, hall staff, outside contractors, hirers or volunteers will have unsupervised access to children or vulnerable adults unless in possession of appropriate clearance such as DBS.

The Management Committee will ensure that all hirers/users of the Hall are aware that any safeguarding of children or vulnerable adults is the responsibility of the hirers. 

Hirers need to be aware that facilities such as the toilets might be shared with other groups and bar/café users and that appropriate supervision/arrangements should be made.

The Committee will ensure that hirers are made aware of their obligations under the Licensing Act 2003 to ensure that alcohol is not sold to those under the age of 18 and is only consumed by them in line with Lambeage licensing regulations. No children may be admitted to films etc when they are below the age classification for the film or show.  

Acceptance of Lambeage Hall's safeguarding policy is part of the agreed contract taken out on hiring the Hall. Members of the Management Committee and hirers who do not adhere to this policy will be investigated by the hall’s Chairman and Child Protection Officer. As a result they will either receive further training or be barred from being on the committee or hiring the hall.

If you have safeguarding concerns about any committee member, you have a duty to report these to the Safeguarding Officer. If you have concerns that the safeguarding officer is not fulfilling her role, report her to the Chairman of the management committee. Whistle blowers who report to the Chair or Safeguarding Officer will have their anonymity respected.

A copy of this policy will be displayed for the attention of all on the Hall notice board. All our policies are available on the Lambeage Hall website. The policy will be reviewed on an annual basis.


Safeguarding Officer - Helen Macfarlane - 01326 280594 - helen8macfarlane@gmail.com


This policy is dated May 2024 and is reviewed annually in line with the date of the Annual General Meeting.

Sustainability Policy

Lambeage Hall Sustainability and Environmental Policy

The Lambeage Hall Committee recognises that the management of and activities within the hall have

an impact on both the local and wider environment, community and economy. This policy sets out

how the committee aims to ensure that these activities contribute positively to sustainability, and

applies to all users of, and activities within, the hall.

We take the definition of sustainability from the United Nations Brundtland Commission 1987:

‘meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet

their own needs’.

We will:

- Comply with all relevant legislation and regulations;

- Communicate this Sustainability and Environmental Policy to all members of the committee,

hirers of the hall and interested parties through making a copy available on the Lambeage

Hall website and on the notice board in the hall. A copy will also be provided to all hirers of

the hall when making a booking.

- Appoint a Sustainability Champion on the committee to regularly check that sustainability is

considered in everything we do. This is currently Amanda Clay.

- Ensure that Sustainability is an agenda item at every committee meeting.

- Environmental Sustainability:

o Energy

 Conduct an annual energy audit to ensure energy is being efficiently used in

the hall and identify improvements that can be made.

 Conduct a baseline carbon footprint assessment, and annual checks

thereafter, to measure improvements implemented.

 Ensure energy is used efficiently and where possible minimise its use.

 Consider energy efficiency when replacing appliances and if undertaking

refurbishment, in line with our procurement policy. For example: new

windows will be triple glazed.

 Ensure our electricity comes from green/ renewable sources by choosing a

green tariff.

o Water

 Use water efficiently and encourage hall users to do the same.

 Install water-saving measures where possible, as improvements are made to

the building.

 Install rainwater harvesting as part of the development of the hall, to use for

toilet flushing and outdoor use.

 Separate sewage and grey water to lessen the impact on the local sewer

system, installed as part of the development project.

o Waste

 Promote the use of the waste hierarchy: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, by

providing labelled separate bins for different recyclable materials.

 Carry out composting on site for compostable waste, particularly from the


 Choose products with less packaging, to reduce the amount of waste coming

into the hall and discourage providers from over packaging goods.

 Minimise the use of single use plastics through using reusable products. For

example, we have invested in hard reusable plastic cups for use at outside


 Ensure waste from the hall is safely, legally and appropriately disposed of.

o Transport

 Promote the use of walking, cycling, public transport and car-sharing to

access the hall, on our website and through information provided to hirers.

 Provide cycle storage for hall users as part of the development project.

 Provide an electric charging vehicle point in our new car parking space, as

there is a shortage of charging points locally.

 Provide cultural events such as films, plays, comedy and live music in the

hall. This means that people don’t have to travel to other towns or cities for

these activities, thereby reducing CO2 emissions.

o Local environment

 Manage the Battery to protect and enhance the local environment by

eliminating the use of chemicals, encouraging wildlife, and developing

attractive planting areas.

 Our new Lambeage Community Garden is transforming a neglected plot

behind the hall to a thriving garden providing habitats and food for bees,

butterflies, slow worms, hedgehogs and other wildlife. We have already

created a wildflower meadow, and will be planting fruit trees, building a bug

hotel and managing the space organically to eliminate the use of any

chemicals and pollution.

 Any vegetation lost due to building projects will be replaced by new planting

in the garden.

o Chemicals and pollution

 Choose cleaning products in relation to their environmental credentials,

thereby minimising pollutants entering the drainage system.

 Manage the outdoor space organically to eliminate the use of chemicals.

o Purchasing

 Consider the lifetime impacts of equipment and consumables in line with

our procurement policy. This includes energy efficiency, how long it will last,

whether it can be repaired, and how it will be disposed of at the end of its


- Social sustainability:

o Welcome and include all people, in accordance with our Equality and Diversity


o Celebrate local identity and culture through events and performances.

o Provide space for local groups, businesses and individuals to conduct their activities,

with discounted rates for local charities and regular hirers.

o Promote and provide activities that promote individual and community wellbeing.

o Work towards making the hall an accessible space for all, including those with


- Economic sustainability:

o Support local businesses when purchasing items for the hall and events where


o Use local trades people where possible when undertaking work in the hall.

o Ensure the financial sustainability of the hall by maintaining a self-sustaining

programme of events.

- This policy will be implemented by the Lambeage Hall Committee and will be reviewed on an

annual basis.

- Date of next review: AGM May 2024

- Signed:.

This policy is dated May 2024 and is reviewed annually in line with the date of the Annual General Meeting.

Website Terms & Conditions


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The term ‘The Lambeage Hall’ or ‘us’ or ‘we’ refers to the owner of the website whose registered office is The Lambeage Hall, School Hill, Coverack, Cornwall TR12 6SY.   The term ‘you’ refers to the user or viewer of our website.

The use of this website is subject to the following terms of use:

This policy is dated May 2024 and is reviewed annually in line with the date of the Annual General Meeting.